Homeopathy is a gentle and subtle approach, which prevents illness or treats it when it’s there.
Homeopathy can be the right answer for acute problems as well as chronic conditions, for young and old, man and women.
It addresses not only physical but also emotional or mental malaise. Homeopathy tries to stimulate the body’s defence mechanism in order to bring back full health in a natural way.

Hi! I’m Ioana.
My passion for homeopathy began seven years back, when I came to know about homeopathy through the experiences with my daughter.
I was quite desperate with her middle ear infections, so I thought; I could just as well give it a try. I was amazed to see how quick and smooth her recovery was and how long her health has remained stable afterwards. And so my desire to fully understand homeopathy started and I decided to undertake studies with the long term idea to become a practitioner. I did so with the doctors at the University of Zürich (ZAKH) and with naturopaths (SkHZ) as well. I took the 600 h of medical courses, which were not so demanding for me as I am a trained biologist and could remember most of anatomy and physiology from the university courses.
I’m also following advanced training with the doctors, in order to keep my knowledge up to date and to increase my practical experience.
I am now proud to have my own office, where I can offer homeopathic treatment in German, English and a few latin languages.
I’m looking forward to getting in contact to you.
Worth knowing

What is homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a medical art and science, which employs infinitesimal doses of natural medicines to stimulate the body's inborn healing capacity. The homeopath strives to understand each patient's individual physical, mental and emotional nature, trying always to prescribe for the person as a whole, rather than the obvious symptom, like the allopathic diagnosis for instance.

Homeopathic healing reaction
While the therapy is on, especially in some chronic situations, there can be short term discomforts or some new or old symptoms can appear or reappear.
It is a dynamic process and it’s important to watch oneself in the first weeks, to exactly perceive what the changes are.

There are some points that you need to consider when you are under homeopathic treatment. You may continue to take the drugs that have been previously prescribed, unless it is another homeopathic medicine or Schüssler salts.

Accompanying measure
Should there appear any minor health issues during the homeopathic treatment, we recommend avoiding other homeopathic medicines because they might disturb the healing process of your organism.